Critique #2- Michelle Malkin political blog commentary

I will be criticizing Michelle Malkin's commentary titled, "Beware of the rape allegation bandwagon" posted on October 18, 2017. She comments on the trending social media meme "#MeToo." She first states background information on the trend: In a 24 hour period, the phrase "MeToo" was tweeted/posted more than half a million times on social media sites such as Twitter and Facebook. The trend started when actress Alyssa Milano made a public statement accusing famous film producer, Harvey Weinstein, of sexually assaulting her. Malkin refers to celebrity's tweets on twitter coming forward with their sexual assault stories with the hashtag "MeToo". She states, "assertions are not truths until they are established as facts and corroborated with evidence." I agree that it is hard to believe allegations when there is no evidence present in the case. She makes a claim that "timing, context, motives, and manner all matter." Malkin is arguing the possibility of fake allegations due to the timing of the recent trend. She sees the motive of women who just want attention on social media. She backs up her argument with evidence from NYPD's Manhattan Special Victim Squad, John Savino. Savino states that during all of his years of being on the squad the false rape report was "as high as 40 percent". She argues motives of the people falsely alleging rape- some may lie for attention, out of anger, or just to fit in and be apart of the trend. I agree with Malkin considering that a lot of young people will lie in order to be trending on the web. It is somewhat of a generational thing, everybody wants likes and retweets on their posts. There's such thing as being "twitter famous." I see where Michelle is coming from with that particular point of view on the matter. However, I feel that she doesn't have enough credited sources about the issue to talk about it on a wide scale. She's accusing women of false allegations but doesn't consider that maybe the timing was right for them to tell the truth and give awareness to the matter. How can she make bold assumptions about false allegations when she truly doesn't know? 


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